

Scenes from Vegan Berlin at the Bona Kollectiv You could go vegan in Berlin for a lot longer than a day in Berlin’s Schillerkiez without getting bored or hungry. The Schillerkiez, located at the eastern most gate of one of Berlin’s favourite historical sites, Templehofer Field, is booming with alternative, gluten free and vegan vegetarian fare.Vegan...
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Berlin brunch|
Sunday in Berlin usually greets tourists and locals with a relaxed, slow atmosphere. Most shops are closed on the last day of the week, so everyone can make the most of their weekend, before Monday comes around again. What is the best way to do this, you might ask? Well, Berliners say going for a...
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Rixdorf Village Berlin|
The capital city of Germany holds many hidden secrets including the village in Rixdorf Berlin. Berlin has evolved from the diversion and destruction of the past, achieved by not only moving forward, but moving in a way that embraces the past whilst warmly welcoming the present. This is especially visible in the union of Berlin’s...
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Berlin pastrami||||
Let there be melted cheese, let there be crispy toast, let there be LOADS of pastrami, piled high… Fork & Walk would like to welcome you all to the Berlin pastrami palace, Mogg. Allow us to guide you through the incredible, delightful sensory experiences of the best hidden Berlin pastrami restaurant. Berlin Pastrami – From...
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